From Valencia to your shop’s shelves
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The origin makes the difference
Orange and Valencia, two words that are recognised and associated with each other in the minds of consumers across the world. What many people don’t know is that since 1781 we’ve been growing oranges and clementines in the Valencian Community with the same devotion as we did in those first fields, but now with more than 200 years of experience under our belt. All with the aim of achieving an unbeatable colour and taste.
Sales channel
The Association for the promotion of the collective brand “Valencia Orange” is formed by Agrios Selectos S.L., Germans Fuster S.L. and Tresfrut S.L., three Valencian companies with extensive experience in selling citrus fruits who have joined forces to establish the brand Valencia Orange in the major distribution chains of Spain and Europe.
Valencia Orange and Valencia Clementine are registered trademarks of Cítricos Valencianos PGI.
Certified Origin
Knowing the origin of products is a priority for today’s consumers and, for this reason, by complying with the regulations of Cítricos Valencianos PGI, at Valencia Orange we can guarantee with utmost rigour the traceability of the product from each plot, which will always bear the seal of Cítricos Valencianos PGI.
The aim is to sell a high-end product that equates to a recognition of the best quality, taste and fruit-farming tradition, thus offering a brand that stands out on the shop shelves with a great presentation and a product that has a guaranteed 100% Valencian origin.
Specializing in citric fruits
Our production focuses on 29 varieties of citrus fruits, oranges and mandarins (Clementines and hybrids). The concern for the quality of our product makes our citrus fruits subject to very demanding quality criteria, to ensure excellent freshness, flavour, aroma and guarantee of origin conditions.
We have almost 100 years experience in marketing citrus fruits, the essential part of which are the packing warehouses capable of packing more than 50 million kilos of fruit per season.
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